step one #You should uninstall outdated mysql/mariaDB

brew uninstall mysql
brew uninstall mariadb

Delete things about DB. /etc/my.cnf /usr/local/var/mysql step two #To install MariaDB at this step MariaDB may need you install openssl, because of this DB is dependent on openssl. and this will automatically.

brew install maria

step two point one YOU MUST DO ‘unset TMPDIR’ in your command line and I don’t know what the reason is. Otherwise, mysql service couldn’t boot.

unset TMPDIR

step three #After install mariadb, you should start MariaDB daemon by command

mysql.server start

step four #init you databases by default conf


step five #And then. You should configure your password for root. by this

mysqladmin -u root password ‘PasswordHereEForRoot’

Finally You should get some positive feedback on that action: Starting MySQL . SUCCESS! that’s all, have FUN…